Friday, February 17, 2012

A Woman of Faith

I have an aunt who inspires me more than any other person I know other than my Savior.  My Aunt Kristanne is an extraordinary woman of faith.  Her daughter, Makae, has a serious case of Borderline Personality Disorder, and it is such a struggle.  If Makae had been sent to any other mother I don't think she would have made it this far.  Kris's blog is the only one connected to mine so far so this is sort of to her. Kris, I love you, and I don't know how you do it.  Your faith is so so so strong! And I know sometimes it is probably really hard for you to keep that faith.  I know you probably already know this, but read 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18.  It's my favorite and it always helps me.  I love you so much! I love Makae too and my prayers are always with you and your family.  
Love always,