Friday, August 17, 2012


My boyfriend is so snoopy.  But if he wasn't snoopy it wouldn't be the same and I kind of really like it that he is snoopy.  SO, taken in the fact that he has read things meant to be private, he can not be offended by anything he sees on my blog. :) So this is officially addressed to Ian.  Ian, you are very snoopy and I thoroughly enjoy it.  I think it's cute. You are not aloud to make fun of me for what I write either. Understood? Oh good! I'm glad we had this talk. :)

Being Selfish

You know, Ian will get his mission call soon and I'm a little upset.  It's not that I don't want him to go because I do.  Very much.  It's just we decided to break it off when he gets his call and to be perfectly honest, I don't want to.  But I know we have to. It really is for the best. I don't want to be selfish and have half his heart when all of it should be given to the Lord and the people he is sent to teach.  Plus a lot could happen in two years.  He asked me to wait but he told me to date around.  Both scare me.  A lot can happen.  I feel so selfish.